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Where does Mochi store data?

The location varies depending on your operating system:

Which spaced repetition algorithim does Mochi use?

Mochi uses a modified SM-2 algorithim. Modified in that 1. the easing factor must be adjusted by the user manually and 2. cards do not reset their repetition interval on an incorrect answer by default. See this article for problems with SM-2's easing feature.

Why doesn't Mochi have "easy" and "hard" buttons (Like in Anki)?

The ease system in Anki is actually quite flawed. See this article for why. There is also an additional unnecessary cognitive price that the user pays durring each review in trying to determine how difficult a card was to remember. This could maybe be solved by selecting the ease automatically through a timer, but that has its own problems.

Is it possible to import decks from Anki?

Yes. Imported Anki decks will look slightly different in Mochi than they do in Anki due to the fact that Anki uses HTML, CSS and Javascript(!), while Mochi uses Markdown. Also at this time review data will not be imported. See for more information.

If you've imported a deck from Anki and it doesn't look right, try opening it in Anki first to confirm that it looks the way it should. Next, edit the template for that deck to remove any unnecessary HTML, CSS and Javascript. A good test is to remove all CSS and Javascript (they will be discarded when impoted to Mochi, anyway) and make sure the cards still look and work as expected. Also make sure to use the special \{\{FrontSide\}\} tag on the back instead of repeating what's on the front.

How can I add color to my cards?

While markdown itself does not support coloring, you can colorize your text by adding HTML to your documents. For example: This word is <span style="color:yellow">yellow</span>

Does Mochi have an API?

Yes, an API is available for Pro subscribers. You can find the full API documentation here.

I only see a black screen on Android

This usually means you need to update the system WebView for Android. Detailed instructions can be found here:

How can I create my own .mochi files?

In Mochi, imports use the format .mochi. These are zip files that contain the following files:

The data.edn or data.json file contains information about the decks and cards to be imported. If using JSON, the file should be encoded with Transit semantics. For EDN, more information can be found here: Extensible Data Notation. The JSON format is recommended for large data sets due to the improved speed when importing. A sample data file might look like this:

{:version 2
 :decks [{:name "Sample deck"
          :cards [{:content "Sample card"}]}]
                  {:content "Another sample card"}]}]}

For a more complete example, you can export one of your own decks from your collection.

The top level data structure is a map with the following format:

Top level map















